Why joining this think tank?
Our manifesto focuses on ethical purpose, and wishes to attract people interested in participating to this discussion.
Ethical purpose is complex because neither Enlightenment nor Bentham's utilitarianism, or Kant's categorical imperative offer satisfying answers. We therefore need to develop a new ethical framework today.
This manifesto aims at engaging a wide audience that will help promote and support the adoption in our daily life of this more respectful and fairer socio-economic approach.
The language used must be precise and relevant, never academic or elitist.
Because we believe that economic and social change is better embraced when emotionally engaging, we wish to attract individuals with a talent for storytelling: novel writers, mindfulness teachers, communication experts, educators and many more.

What is the value for you?

The participants to this thinktank want to help change the world into a better place to live, and want to do so with people sharing the same values. They may contribute more or less, with the ultimate aim to help together the society in the broadest sense.
This think tank is an incubator of ideas. It aims to create guidelines and suggest directions to change the society for the better.
This manifesto takes a very clear position and stands behind it. We want to define a viable model of ethical company: a company that recognizes itself as one of the main actors of a sustainable society. We identify precise themes such as responsibility for climate change, social equity, diversity or universal access to education and suggest strategies and examples to address them more successfully.

How does this intiative stand out from other initiatives?
It aims to first focus on the industry, and to start with the chemical industry where its founders have their roots and network. It will allow to generate a set of guidelines and discussions that are ultimately useful in any type of industry and will trigger a change in the whole society.
It secondly goes beyond mission and vision, to propose to define clear values, strategies, tactics and actions.
With this manifesto and think tank, we want to solve a problem that we define as such: driven by an uncontrolled form of wild capitalism inspired from Friedmann’s work, our society is facing two major challenges putting it on short term in danger: the devastating impact of humans on the environment, and an intolerably high social inequality.

Are you willing to join our adventure?
We are looking for all volunteers willing to join us further developing and promoting this vision to make it a reality soon.
Please contact us and start working together.

The founders

Christophe Le Ret

Originating from Aquitaine, the country of Montaigne and Montesquieu who influenced his strong belief in democracy and humanism, Christophe graduated in Chemistry and spent the last 25 years occupying various marketing & sales managerial positions in Europe in an international materials technology company recognized for its pioneering position in circular economy and sustainable development.

Very early on involved in community, charity or political activities, Christophe has for instance supported in the 1980’s the birth and establishment of the French anti-racism movement “SOS Racisme”.
He later on engaged himself in the political movement enabling the adoption of the French working time reduction laws (known as “Aubry’s laws”), which created about 350 000 additional jobs in 4 years without significant financial impact on the industry 
He also contributed to the organization of various charity activities towards disadvantaged children and teenagers. And he is currently helping young adults to better understand the industry world and to search for positions suiting their competences and personalities.

Christophe is convinced that a more caring society – putting the respect of human beings and the environment at the core of its values – is possible and will benefit to the whole mankind while saving the planet from a major ecological disaster. 

Christophe is married and father of two young daughters who are already regularly challenging him on his actions for a sustainable future. That is the reason why he is now engaging himself in the adventure of Khemia, hoping it will contribute to soon make the world a better place for all.

Gino Francato

I have a MS in chemical engineering and an EMBA. I worked all my career for large chemical companies in several management positions. 

My passion for social engagement started in my youth, on Sunday afternoons, when assisting the lively discussions between my father and uncles. The discussions were always about politics and what is the common good. Sometimes the debates were very heated, but even if I didn't understand everything, I sensed they were important. Those conversations stimulated my interest in subjects like literature, history, philosophy and economics that I cultivated alongside my engineering studies. 

After my graduation my focus shifted to career development, the international travels, an EMBA. Somehow all my energy went in my personal growth and family. Five years ago I realised that something important was missing in my life. I realised that confrontation, discussion, and participation are key for a meaningful life. The debates I assisted in my youth are the very essence of a democratic society. 

I started delivering introductions to stress management in my company, then outside. I started teaching mindfulness, personal development and innovation to professionals and students. I coached start-ups focused on impact challenges. 

Our planet and our society are facing two major challenges: climate change and social inequality. I offer all I have learnt in my personal and professional life to stimulate a democratic debate within and beyond the chemical industry that can help finding solutions to such challenges.